Remarks to FACE Delegated Council

We have a lot of victories to share.

Our strength is our faith, and our members who are driven, because of their faith, to do good works.

For some, that good work is to render aid directly, like the Good Samaritan. For others, it is to lead thousands to radically change society, like Dr. King.

And for most of us, it is somewhere in the middle: building a group of FACE members in your parish; attending a rally for workers rights, and organizing your group of members to attend; or speaking courageously at a public hearing; supporting the movement for faith-in-action financially.

We appreciate all these efforts.

We are in a moment of growth and transition, with important work to do.

We need to strengthen our by-laws; we need to refine our listening process not just to identify issues, but also to strengthen our relationships and build a stronger base.

It’s an honor to lead this organization as we celebrate our 25th anniversary and do this important work.


Ikaika President Faith Action