The Sierra Club endorses our campaign


It’s my pleasure to announce a major endorsement – the Sierra Club Hawaii Chapter. With 20,000 members and supporters, the Sierra Club is a leading voice for the environment.

Like many parents, I’m concerned about the world our children will inherit. My kids (ages 11, 9 and 3) are bright and inquisitive, and like most children, they’ve studied the impacts and science of climate change in school. But they don’t have the political power to make a difference. They’re counting on us, their mākua (parents) to step in and serve as their proxy.

We have ten short years — just 3,650 days — to make massive changes in our economy and public policy in order to mitigate the devastating impacts of climate change. We need a serious public conversation about a carbon tax. And we need to evaluate the major infrastructure decisions we’re making now, like the rail project and transit-oriented development, and investigate how they jive with the anticipated six feet of sea level rise by the end of the century. The City & County of Honolulu, with its attention to basic issues of infrastructure and land use, is where we can do a lot of good work on these key issues.

I’m a dad, social entrepreneur and community advocate running for Council because future generations matter to me, and because I know we can make a difference.

The life of the land will be preserved by us, standing up and taking action, together. Mahalo for your support, and mahalo to the Sierra Club for standing with us.